(CH Baysides High Plains Drifter X Bright Eyes Apache Tear) |

Los Carneros Dr. Phil X Crystal Peaks Lacy Citrine |
Crystal Peaks Aqua Aura STDs RS-N, GS-O, JS-O, CL1-F, CL1-H, CL1-R, JS-N TT "Aura" Deceased 2020
Click picture to visit Aura's page |
Ch Mandolyn's Shake and Jake x Crystal Peaks Lapis Lazuli |
Crystal Peaks Ruby of My Heart "Ruby" Now living With Charlene and Christine Bair.
Click to go to page |

Most titles were earned with a junior handler |
(ASCA CH Baysides High Plains Drifter X Kieann Lilbit Saker) |
Catera's Dance Hall Dixie GS-O JS-O RS-O STDsd CL1-F, CL1-H "Dixie" Deceased
Crystal Peaks All That Jazz "Jazz" RS-N, GS-N, JS-O Retired and living elsewhere
Dazzle lived with and was loved by my sister Jessica and her family but was handled to all
her titles by Sherry. Deceased
Dazzle at 2004 Nationals |
(ASCA, UKC, AKC CH Badgerlands Beauregard CD NA x Bright Eyes Smoke Signals) |
Bright Eyes Many Feathers NA NAJ NF RA CGC TT
Chief on Dog walk |

(CH Los Carneros Mambo Magic X Bright Eyes Smoke Signals |
Click on Chief's picture to go to his page.
Chief retired with with our good friend John and was handled to all
his titles by my mom Sherry. Deceased 2018.
Crystal Peaks Rockstar Quartz STDs GS-N JS-N RS-N TT(ASCA major pointed)"Rockstar"

Deceased summer of 2019. Forever missed.
Crystal Peak Agate Skittles STDs TT "Skittles"

Mandolyns Shake and Jake X Crystal Peaks Lapis Lazuli |
Skittles is co-owned by Katrina with Tika Lubin deceased winter of 2020.
CH Crystal Peak's Justus
Justus May 2007 |

(Los Carneros Dr Phil |
Justus was co-owned by Katrina with Vernon Escallier until he passed and lived out the remainder
of his life with the Roche family. Now deceased.
Click picture to see more of Justus
Diego Rojo Con Ojas Verde "Diego"
Diego 11-2005 |

(Virginia City Mountain Sid "Sid" X Bright Eyes Razzle Dazzle "Dazzle") |
Click here for Diego's pedigree
Diego lived with, and is trained and handled by my sister Christine. Now deceased.
Click Picture to see more of Diego.
"Rojo" was co-owned by Sherry with our good friend Marlene. A very much loved and missed companion. Now deceased.

Eyes Apache Tear
28, 1999 - June 19 2007
AKC/ASCA/CKC Ch Badgerlands Beauregard CD NA CGC
Lady Regina Love'D Shadbriar
Fair AS-16267F30F-PI
CERF: Clear/Normal January 2007
(Click above link to view pedigree information)

Patty was my heart dog, my mentor, and my teacher.
She has taught me so much and brought me so far. At a year of age her and I started agility classes without knowing what a
passion it would become for both of us. Patience, perseverance, and kindness were skills she taught me in my pursuit of understanding
positive training. As we journeyed onward in our quest of understanding teamwork and partnership we encountered our share
of hardship. She finished up her agility years one jumpers leg short of her NADAC agility championship, a goal we did
not achieve except in my heart. In trying to discover alternative treatments for her cancer, she led me on a journey of discovery.
I now fully endorse the practice of natural rearing with a species appropriate diet of raw meaty bones, no "preventative"
poisons/pesticides, limited to no vaccines, and homeopathic treatment. Patty was given much more time than the vets expected
but it still does not feel like enough. Rest well my sweet Patty girl. See you someday at the Rainbow Bridge where
we will play again.
