My Training facility is located in Spanish Springs just outside of Sparks, Nevada. I
train one day a week in South Reno off of Mt Rose Highway. Foundations for agility class 1 and 2 will
be held indoors in Spanish Springs at Canine Connection Center at 15 Eagle Canyon Drive Suite #105
Equipment is NADAC competition grade and that is the primary venue I teach towards. I will also teach the teeter, table,
tire, broad jump, and wing jumps so that you are prepared for other venues if you like. Primary class training days at this
time are Sunday Mornings, Tuesdays Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
Group Classes offered:
Foundations to agility class (4 week class indoors at Canine Connection Center $150):
This class is recommended for puppies to adults after they have completed a puppy or beginning obedience class.
The course will primarily work on relationship and confidence building through target training, place work, impulse control,
body awareness, and reading your body cues. Several recall games will be implemented to continue building understanding of
the recall. No actual agility equipment is taught in this class but skills that are needed for agility
success will be. The goal of the class is to work on teaching the handler how dogs learn and to build
the training relationship between dog and handler. It will implement all positive ways of training a behavior from luring,
shaping, capturing, and targeting. How to add the three D's of training to give the dog clarity and confidence : Distance,
Duration, Distraction.
Foundations for Agility 2 (8 week indoor class at Canine Connections Center or under cover in South Reno $240)
The 4 week foundations to agility class is required prior to taking Foundations For Agility 2. Suitable
for dogs 8 months and older. This class will focus on all the ways a dog will experience hoops/ jumps, tunnels and the start
of channel weave pole training 6 poles. These are the fundamentals for distance handling. First building value
for the obstacle using shaping. Then you will work on sending your dog ahead of you, wraps, lateral distance,
calling into you and parallel distance. Beginning agility handling skills will be part of the process.
Foundations to Agility 3: (4 week course $120)
The focus for this class will be common short sequences of 2-3 and
the start of contact training on the a-frame at a lowered height. Continuation of channel weave pole training 12 poles
will also be taught.
Foundations for Agility 4: (4 week course $120) The focus for this
class will be common turns, crosses and longer sequences of 3-5 obstacles. Channel weave training will continue
on 12 poles getting the poles close to in line. Dog walk will be introduced and the a-frame will go up to regulation
Novice: You can pay monthly ($120) or by the class ($30): Teams will be placed in classes with others around the same skill
level. Introduction to agility or a private lesson to evaluate current skill level is a requirement. Appropriate for dogs
over a year of age.
Teams will remain in novice classes until independent teeter performance and weave poles are gained as a skill.
Weaves and teeter work will start and progress systematically and longer sequences and more complex agility handling
skills. Most of this will be off leash for the team working.
Competition level classes (Payment same as novice): This class is suitable to teams that know all of the equipment and
can perform it safely and independently.
Longer sequences up to full courses are worked on and the primary focus for the classes will be handling skills
and harder more complex sequences. Rules and regulations of different venues will be discussed and types of courses for each
venue will be set up.
Agility Workshops focusing on specific skills will be periodically offered at Canine Connections
Center. These will be 3-4 hour specific skill based workshops such as switches/ change of direction, weave poles, jumping
skills, directionals, running vs stopped contacts, ect. These will be open to about 4-6 working teams and auditing spots
may be available.
Private lessons will be available by appointment only.
Please Contact Katrina Anderson for further information on the services I provide at (775) 338-3096 or by email at tuxedoaussies@icloud.com.
Times and class availability vary by season. We do train all winter and summer just adjust according to season. I do keep
everyone posted on new class times, cancelled classes, and upcoming events at my facebook training page. I share training
tips, videos, courses and evaluations as well on the page. I highly recommend joining the page in interested in agility classes.
Spanish Springs Agility training Facebook page link
Several pages on this site were created using the beautiful graphics available by Silverhawk's graphics, and Greasy Grass
graphics. See links below.

Katrina Anderson and Sherry Roach of Crystal Peaks AustralianShepherds located
in Reno, Nevada.
Website Address: https://tuxedoaussies.tripod.com/
E-mail address: tuxedoaussies@yahoo.com
Phone Number for Katrina Anderson home (775) 338-3096